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fEvent - Variable in class org.eclipse.debug.jdi.tests.EventWaiter
FieldRemovingListener - Class in org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.modeleditor
Listener to allow removing a field from a parent.
FieldRemovingListener(ModelEditingListener, DrawingStepHandler) - Constructor for class org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.modeleditor.FieldRemovingListener
FieldRenamingListener - Class in org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.modeleditor
Listener to rename a single field of some ObjectValue instance.
FieldRenamingListener(Composite, ModelEditor, DrawingStepHandler) - Constructor for class org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.modeleditor.FieldRenamingListener
FieldSwappingListener - Class in org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.modeleditor
Listener to swap two fields.
FieldSwappingListener(ModelEditingListener, DrawingStepHandler) - Constructor for class org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.modeleditor.FieldSwappingListener
filterGroups(HeapContent, PermutationGroups, Consumer<TestAllPermutations.JavaResultComparer>) - Method in class org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.GroupFilter
finalize() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.PermutationGroups
Mark that there are no more results to be submitted.
fixBugs(ModelEditor) - Static method in class org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.BugFixerMain
FixBugsAction - Class in debugbackend.views.actions
Action to invoke the BugFixer prototype and fix bugs in some project.
FixBugsAction(ModelEditor) - Constructor for class debugbackend.views.actions.FixBugsAction
flush() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.execution.MultithreadablePrintStream
flush() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.telemetry.TelemetrySender
Flushes the telemetry sender.
FontSetting - Class in org.eth.cyril.settings
FontSetting(String, String) - Constructor for class org.eth.cyril.settings.FontSetting
forceExpand(int) - Static method in class org.eth.cyril.interactive.ExpansionDepth
Depth to expand a given number of levels forcefully.
forceExpandAll() - Static method in class org.eth.cyril.interactive.ExpansionDepth
Depth to expand all levels forcefully.
format(String, Object...) - Method in class org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.execution.MultithreadablePrintStream
format(Locale, String, Object...) - Method in class org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.execution.MultithreadablePrintStream
forValue(IValue) - Static method in class org.eth.jibin.visualization.contentprovider.JavaResolver.ResolvableValue
forVariable(IVariable) - Static method in class org.eth.jibin.visualization.contentprovider.JavaResolver.ResolvableVariable
FORWARD - Static variable in class
FORWARD_ID - Static variable in class debugbackend.views.actions.ForwardSequenceAction
FORWARD_IMG - Static variable in class debugbackend.Activator
ForwardSequenceAction - Class in debugbackend.views.actions
An action which allows the user to forward the sequence of graphs to look at later graphs once more.
ForwardSequenceAction(RewindableGraphSequence, Consumer<RewindableGraphSequence>) - Constructor for class debugbackend.views.actions.ForwardSequenceAction
frame - Variable in class org.eth.cyril.gui.swt.AbstractSWTGraphDrawer
fRequest - Variable in class org.eclipse.debug.jdi.tests.EventWaiter
fShouldGo - Variable in class org.eclipse.debug.jdi.tests.EventWaiter
FullClassName(String, String) - Constructor for class org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.execution.DynamicJavaCode.FullClassName
FullClassName(String) - Constructor for class org.eth.cyril.bugfixer.execution.DynamicJavaCode.FullClassName
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