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handleAbstraction(Abstractable<T>) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.model.abstraction.Abstracter
Handle abstraction by abstracting the given elements to a single abstracting instance.
handleAbstraction(Resolver, Abstracter<T>) - Method in class org.eth.cyril.model.abstraction.AbstractionManager
handleAbstraction(Abstractable<Value>) - Method in class org.eth.cyril.model.model.HeapContent
Abstract the given values.
handleAbstraction(Abstractable<Value>, ModelFactory) - Method in class org.eth.cyril.model.model.HeapContent
Abstract the given values, using the given factory.
handleModification(EditableConfiguration.Modification) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.EditableConfiguration.ModificationListener
handleModification(EditableConfigurationArray.Modification) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.EditableConfigurationArray.ModificationListener
handleQuery(DSLParser.QueryContext, Set<Resolver>) - Static method in class org.eth.cyril.model.dsl.QueryResolver
handlesSelectionEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in interface
Return whether this listener handles the selection event.
hasArray(String) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.Configuration
Returns whether this configuration has an Object[] property of the given name.
hasBoolean(String) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.Configuration
Returns whether this configuration has a boolean property of the given name.
hasBoolean(int) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.ConfigurationArray
Returns whether there is a boolean stored at index i.
hasConfiguration(int) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.ConfigurationArray
Returns whether there is a Configuration stored at index i.
hasCycle(Graph) - Static method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.algorithms.GraphUtil
hashCode() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.drawing.configuration.EmptyConfiguration.PropertyDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.drawing.sugiyama.constrained.constraints.position.quadraticprogramming.Vector.FixedSizeVector
hashCode() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.NodeWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.Position
hashCode() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.model.model.nodes.impl.ValueImpl
hashCode() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.model.model.nodes.impl.VariableImpl
hashCode() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.model.model.nodes.Primitive
hashCode() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.model.model.nodes.ValueWithName
hashCode() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.util.collections.Tuple
hashCode() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.util.gui.ItemWrapper
hasInner(String) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.Configuration
Returns whether this configuration has a Configuration property of the given name.
hasInner(int) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.ConfigurationArray
Returns whether there is a ConfigurationArray stored at index i.
hasKeys(JsonValue, String...) - Static method in class org.eth.cyril.util.serialization.JsonUtil
hasNext() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.sequence.RewindableGraphSequence
Whether this sequence has a next graph to forward to.
hasNext() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.ConfigurationArrayIterator
hasNextLayout() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.gui.intermediate.layout.AnimatableIntermediateLayout
hasNextLayout() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.gui.intermediate.layout.DirectIntermediateLayout
hasNextLayout() - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.gui.intermediate.layout.IntermediateLayout
Returns whether a next intermediate layout exists.
hasNoModifiers() - Method in class
Returns true iff the set of keyboard modifiers is empty.
hasNumber(String) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.Configuration
Returns whether this configuration has a number property of the given name.
hasNumber(int) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.ConfigurationArray
Returns whether there is a number stored at index i.
hasOnlyModifier(MouseEvent.KeyboardModifier) - Method in class
Checks if there is exactly one modifier.
hasParser(Class<?>) - Method in class org.eth.cyril.util.ParserRegistry
hasPrevious() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.sequence.RewindableGraphSequence
Whether this sequence has a previous graph to rewind to.
hasString(String) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.Configuration
Returns whether this configuration has a String property of the given name.
hasString(int) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.ConfigurationArray
Returns whether there is a String stored at index i.
hasSuccessor(Node) - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.Node
Returns whether the given node is a successor of this node.
hasZeroArgumentConstructor(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.eth.cyril.util.serialization.JsonUtil
Returns whether the given class has a constructor taking zero arguments (and therefore clazz.newInstance works).
haveCommonParent(Node, Node) - Static method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.drawing.sugiyama.constrained.constraints.position.RelationshipUtil
HeapContent - Class in org.eth.cyril.model.model
A HeapContent instance encapsulates the entire content which is found during a heap analysis.
HeapContent(List<Variable>, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.eth.cyril.model.model.HeapContent
Creates a new heap content instance with the given list of variables.
HeapContent(List<Variable>, Collection<Value>) - Constructor for class org.eth.cyril.model.model.HeapContent
Use only for testing.
HeapSubStructure - Interface in org.eth.cyril.model.model
A heap sub structure is a subset of a HeapContent instance.
height() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.drawing.DrawingFrame
HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.eth.cyril.util.configuration.Properties
Property to get the height of the graph drawer.
HeuristicCycleRemovingAlgorithm - Class in org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.algorithms.cycles
A heuristic cycle removing algorithm.
HeuristicCycleRemovingAlgorithm(WeightCalculator) - Constructor for class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.algorithms.cycles.HeuristicCycleRemovingAlgorithm
Hierarchy - Class in org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph
Hierarchy(List<List<Node>>) - Constructor for class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.Hierarchy
HierarchyConverter - Interface in org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.graph.algorithms
horizontalBorder() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.gui.graphdrawer.swing.BasicGraphComponentDrawer
horizontalBorder() - Method in interface org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.gui.graphdrawer.swing.GraphComponentDrawer
The horizontal border needed by the drawn nodes.
horizontalBorder() - Method in class org.eth.cyril.graphdrawing.gui.graphdrawer.swing.TextualGraphComponentDrawer
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